SSN: Meet Lauren Stewart

Question and Answer with freshman Lauren Stewart

Q: How old were you when you started playing basketball, and why did you start?

A: I started playing basketball when I was about six, both of my older sisters had played so I had a basketball in my hands at all times.


Q: Why did you decide to play basketball during high school?

A: I heard that the memories you make in high school athletics last a lifetime, and I love spending time with the girls on and off the court.


Q: Does being on the same team as your sister add any pressure on the court?

A: Playing with my sister does not add any pressure but is extremely fun getting to know her better as a player and getting to bond!


Q: What type of previous chemistry do you and your sister have that transfers to the court?

A: My sister and I have been very close since we were little, and I believe it helps us focus and communicate on the court.