HSE Apps: Made by Students for Students

Madeline Nelsen

The HSE Apps has created a variety of apps. Students could use the website to find apps about clubs, the bell schedule, and courses that HSE offers. The HSE Apps team is constantly working on creating new apps and improving the website. The team consists of students that come up with new ideas and work on them together.

“Students should use HSE Apps if they want a significantly easier experience with day-to-day school activities,” junior Chris Farber said. “Such as keeping track of the bell schedule or discovering new clubs to join.”

The easily accessible apps are convenient for students to use. The schedule app is easily accessible when walking through the halls during passing. The HSE Apps are not used just by students. The library has the schedule app live on the TVs throughout the day. Teachers also can access the schedule during the day. The apps on the website cover a variety of topics. The club’s section is useful for new students for someone who is looking for a club to join.

“Typically, the person who comes up with a new idea is the main person working on said project, with a few others joining them. However, anyone on the HSE Apps team is free to contribute to either a new or existing project,” said Farber. “We try to foster a collaborative environment as much as possible. Also, we’re going to try to recruit a lot more people to join and contribute to the organization next year”

HSE Apps makes the experience informative and easy for students. Since students are responsible for creating the apps, they understand what would work best. The schedule app is always up to date because the students constantly updating it. Everyone has something they are responsible for. The students work on a specific idea for weeks or months at a time. It finally comes alive and is published for the school to use.

“Creating apps during Covid-19 has been more challenging in terms of motivation,” Farber said. “But ultimately, we’ve had some notable successes and are going to continue creating.”

Project-based classes have been hard to operate during the time of Covid-19. In the class, where HSE Apps is made, it has been a slow process to keep the website up to date with the best ideas. The students work together to create new products, while still finding a way to be motivated to have new and creative ideas. As new apps are released, they will be uploaded to hseapps.com and are posted on the HSE Apps Instagram. HSE Apps are made for all students and faculty to have an efficient way of gathering new information about clubs, the schedule, and courses that are offered. Story by Madeline Nelsen