Raising Awareness and Money for World Wide Issues

HSE UNICEF Club raises money to help children all over the globe

Madeline Nelsen

   The United Nations Children Emergency Fund gives its members a greater view on the world.  UNICEF can change lives because of their supporter’s passions. Being involved with UNICEF is a way to get involved at a local and global level. HSE has their own UNICEF club that helps students develop empathy and knowledge about world issues. Seniors Emma Bui and Hafsa Khan are board members for the HSE UNICEF club. They were inspired to create this club because they wanted to help the world, especially people outside the Fishers bubble.

“UNICEF’s club mission is to promote the rights of every child in the world.” Bui said. “This club specifically focuses on the wellbeing of kids and through fundraisers and educating the public.”

This club is on a mission to provide basic needs, such as water and education, to children to that do not have access to them. They also address the core principles and values of UNICEF in fun and engaging ways. Since August 2019, the HSE UNICEF club has been striving to achieve their goals.

“As a whole organization UNICEF is reaching towards equity for every child.” Khan said. This includes education, public health, no poverty, no hunger, gender equality, and clean energy.”

The HSE UNICEF club has all of the same goals as the whole organization. They want to reach those goals in whatever way possible. They are striving to do this by raising money. The clubs biggest long-term goal is to raise at least $5,000 each year. They believe this is achievable with consistent club participation. If they have at least 50 active club members, this goal can be achieved.

“Every month UNICEF has a different theme we like to focus on.” Bui said. “Right now, UNICEF is tackling the problem of water sanitation, child malnutrition, and the orphanages in Ukraine.”

As of right now UNICEF is focusing their efforts on issues that are happening right now. However, every year they have a month where they focus on human trafficking. They raise awareness by making videos and posters for the school. The advisement and publicity enable students and staff at HSE to learn more about UNICEF and their efforts.

“There are not many clubs at HSE that focus on international issues.” Khan said. “In a connected world, it is important for HSE students to gain a world view, not just a ‘Fishers’ view.”

There is a need for this club because HSE does not have a club that focuses on children’s rights. UNICEF creates an environment where people can be educated on world issues and help raise money. The tight knit community of UNICEF causes every member to feel welcomed. UNICEF can continue to education members about global issues as well as providing a reason to donate and make a change. Story by Madeline Nelsen.