Don’t Miss What You Don’t Know – Class Scheduling

Heidi Schlabach

5 Classes You May Not Have Realized HSE Offered!

With over 3,000 students at HSE comes dozens of classes to accommodate the masses. Not only are the lists overwhelming, but they grow with each grade. But don’t let those numbers overwhelm you into missing out on a class that may be perfect for you! Below are five classes that many HSE students may not even realize exist. To fully explore all the classes offered at HSE, go to the full course guide with descriptions and prerequisites at

Construction I and II

Offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, Construction I and II are semester courses offered as a Technology – Education credit. If you were planning a career on anything in the architectural field, these classes among Geometry and Engineering may just be the classes for you. Construction I focusses on systems, while Construction II focusses more on processing. Both Construction classes also aide in weekend builds for the Habitat for Humanity Club for a more hands-on experience.

Co-Ed Recreational Games

Also only offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors, Co-Ed Recreational Games can be a one or two semester class that counts as a Physical Education credit. With only a prerequisite of two semesters of completed physical education, Co-Ed Recreational Games is a class set for students who loved all of the unit games in regular gym class, but not necessarily the fitness tests. Just a few of the games involved in this class are badminton, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, basketball, tennis, soccer, and floor hockey. So, if you’re looking to get an energy release within the school day, definitely consider taking this class.

AP Language and Composition

Although many students enrolled in the AP Seminar (Capstone) class have taken the AP Exam for AP Language and Composition as much of the curriculum overlaps, the actual class has not been taught at HSE in several years and has been (and remains to be) accessible online. This class, only available to juniors and seniors, is only one semester and the skills utilized include the application of college-level writing techniques to create mature essays as well as making complex connections between different texts. Prerequisites involve recommendations of previous English teachers and a “C” average in regular English or “B” average in Honors English. However, this class is not for the faint of heart as compacts a large quantity of knowledge into only one semester. In the end however, this class prepares students for college level reading and writing.

Horticulture Science

Horticulture, or the practice of garden cultivation and management, is a year-long agriculture class. This class is offered to sophomores, juniors, and seniors and is divided into two semesters. The first semester focusses primarily on the background of the science that is horticulture. The second semester is mainly focussed on hands-on learning inside of HSE’s greenhouse. Horticulture Science also opens up a door to multiple possible career opportunities in the area. So come and smell the roses in Horticulture Science.

Current Problems, Issues, and Events

This one-semester class is a CORE 40 elective that is offered exclusively to sophomores. This social studies class focussed on the modern day world, primarily in the United States. Course work includes a variety of activities that range from minimal homework assignments, to group discussions, to presentations in front of the class. If you plan on taking this class, you are guaranteed a better understanding of the current US situations.