HSE Schools Intermediate Full-time Return

Following the lead of Hamilton Southeastern elementary schools, 5th and 6th graders will be able to return 100% back to school starting on November 2nd. The schoolboard’s consensus to shift into Phase 3 of the reopening plan was 7-0, supporting the proposal from Superintendent Allen Bourff.

The guidelines already in place will remain to be strictly mandated in order to prevent the rise of coronavirus cases as rooms go from 50% to 100%. Masks all day, except for lunch, social distancing in classrooms, and sanitation after every period are becoming the new norm.

The news of intermediate children returning to school comes as a relief to some parents/family members who have a student who has struggled with online learning.

“My sister has definitely had a hard time focusing at home and learning efficiently on Zoom,” junior Mia Reinhard said. “The ability to be in class every day and connect with her teachers more will help with that, as well as give her more opportunity to make and strengthen friendships at school.”

Students will still have the option to continue attending school virtually. Teachers will provide a live “synchronous portion” or a flipped lesson. Along with that, Enrichment sessions are being offered live by the librarian, building counselor, and/or media specialist.

“Although the time to transition back to 100% is not perfect,” Reinhard said. “It is beneficial given the difficulty some students have had at home, and I am glad that the option to remain virtual is still available for those not comfortable.”

The chance to go back to school will hopefully be able to get students back into the traditional routine. However, with regulations for COVID-19, this routine will be far from normal.