Siblings in Sports

Hannah Elkins

If you grew up with siblings, you know that sharing is not something that interests you, especially sharing something that you’re passionate about. Senior Matt Walters and freshman Maggie Walters have had to learn to share their passion for the sport of Cross Country. I had the opportunity to talk to both siblings about what it’s like to share their passions for the sport.

1. What made you get into running?

Matt: My parents wanted me to try it because they thought I might like it, I found out that I did and have continued to run.

Maggie: I think overtime just growing with my running and seeing people around me running, I wanted to be apart of that.

2. Who’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to Cross

“I think because Matt has been someone i’ve looked up to as a runner over the years it made me more interested in it.” Maggie said. “He also has encouraged me to keep doing it when i’ve thought i’ve been done.”


Matt: My friends, they push me to be better and to see them go out and accomplish their goals that we’ve talked about them achieving is so fun to see

Maggie: My biggest inspiration isn’t a specific person but the people on the team that I was a minute or so behind in my race before.

3. What’s it like to share a passion for a sport with a sibling?

Matt: It’s great, having Maggie in the school and on the team has made this year one of my best seasons I’ve had because it’s created another element of fun in my day.

Maggie: I really enjoy it and have loved being able to be apart of the same thing!

4. What are some of your favorite memories of running together?

Matt: Over the summer I went on a 9-mile run at sunset and Maggie rode her bike along side of me the whole way.

Maggie: One of my favorite memories is running with him over the summer before the actual season started. I remember going on a few evening runs with the sun setting, it was so pretty. I remember one specifically, it was a few days before the time trial, and I was so stressed about making the time. I told him the time I was hoping for and that I really wanted to make the pace for this run. That evening he and I went on a run, and he was pushing me the whole time to get the time I said I wanted. He was so motivating and encouraging. I remember going down one of the final turns of the run and he looked down at the pace on his watch. He said to me “alright let’s pick it up”, and kept repeating “you got it, c’mon let’s go”, and we made the time. That run gave me so much confidence and happiness.

5. What are some challenges, if any, that you have faced while sharing a sport?

Matt: Not really, other than her wanting to play her own music in the car on the way home

Maggie: A challenge I have faced with sharing a sport is the difference in our ideas of being on time. We have very different views on this.

6. What is your biggest accomplishment when it comes to running?

Matt: I don’t really have personal accomplishments when it comes to running but I’d say it’s been helping and pushing my friends as they do the same for me, allowing them to accomplish their goals.

Maggie: My biggest accomplishment when running was my race at Northview this past season. It was so hot and terrible, but I had my PR there, and it was really cool to prove that to myself.

Lastly, I offered both siblings the option to leave a message to each other:

Matt: I’ve had so much fun this season having you on the team, it has created memories that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

Maggie: I wish that we got one more season together, because it has been so much fun!!!! Writing all this makes me realize how much you’ve really impacted my idea and view on running and how much you’ve motivated me. Next year will definitely be very different without you, i’ll miss you Matt.